PEARL FASHION: SimplyBaby Wants Your Baby’s Onesie to Have Pearls!

See—pearls are not only for your Grandma! They are even trendy for baby.

Now thanks to Etsy Seller, SimplyBaby, your baby can share in your love for the finer life and luxurious pearls.

This adorable 100% cotton onesie features cute pink layers of pearls along with a statement rhinestone brooch.

SimplyBaby states that the “Print is accomplished with high pigmented ink applied directly to the garment. No peeling or cracking.”

How splendid it that?

This can be your baby’s for $14.95 at read more

PEARL BEAUTY: Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton Wears Pearl Pins in Her Twisted Chignon

Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, is a lady of style. She has made many stylish statements and she did it once again when she added pearls to her chignon when she attended a tea party in 2012 for her 4th day of her Diamond Jubilee Tour.

The Duchess looked polished and prim as she sipped tea with her twisted chignon updo accompanied with several pearl pins.

The style created a frenzy and caused many hairnistas to want the same look.

The question that came up constantly from beauty lovers was how she kept the pearls in her hair. The answer is simple… hair pins! The pearl hairpins can now be found online and in hair stores especially for the prom. read more

HAIR DIY: “Rockability Roll” A Pin-Up Hair Tutorial by Abby Smith

Pearls and pin-up girls go hand-in-hand, so we love to see the pin-up style from head to toe.

Abby Smith writer for, shared with us an awesome step-by-step image tutorial on how to make the “Rockability Roll” nice and easy.

“I believe this is one of the prettiest pin-up looks. While it’s totally vintage, there’s a modern feel to it.  This hairstyle is very flattering as the height from the roll really brightens up your face,” says Abby author of The Ultimate Hairstyle Handbook, and founder of the website Twist Me Pretty. read more

Pearl Fashion Fact: Queen Alexandra of Denmark Wore Pearl Chokers to Hide Scar

Alexandra of Denmark, full name Alexandra Caroline Marie Charlotte Louise Julia was born on December 1, 1844 and died on November 20, 1925. She was Queen consort of the United Kingdom and Empress of India as the wife of King-Emperor Edward VII.

Queen Alexandra was well known for her style, jewelry, and most importantly her pearls.

In a majority of her images, you will notice that she has layers of pearls and diamond dog-collar chokers, called a ‘collier de chien’ on her neck but the question is why. read more

PEARL FASHION: Sophisticated Pearl-Embellished Tulle Gloves by Simone Rocha

The 1960s was an amazing time for fashion. Women were elegant, fun, and loved to show off their style in cute dresses both long and short.

We would love to bring back this time in fashion but since we can’t, we want to at least give you a taste of the style and so does Simone Rocha.

Simone Rocha created two elegant evening gloves in both black and nude, that features a delicate tulle silhouette adorned with darling pearls at the wrist for a bracelet-like effect. read more

PEARL DIY: Pearl Embellished Jumper by

Are you looking to upgrade your old sweater or jumper? If so, this is the DIY for you! 

Today, we have a great do-it-yourself to spruce up your favorite sweater or jumper. We found this DIY by Olivia, a young designer who also has her own blog,, and we were happy to share!

Olivia gives you a simple way to give your old jumper new life and we thought with it being so simple, why not update your sweater or cardigan?

The supplies are as simple as:

  • Strand of pearls
  • Jumper/Sweater/Cardigan
  • Sewing Needle
  • Thread
  • Scissors

Here is the original post!  read more

PEARL FASHION: 5 Reasons Why Every Women Needs Pearls

A Fashionista must constantly update her wardrobe and accessories in order to keep up with the ever changing fashion trends and styles. “Big bangles are in; costume jewelry is out;” but there is one thing that never changes in your collection and that is your pearls. Beautiful strands of pearls are a staple in a fashionistas jewelry box and they are important accessories that never go out of style.

There are millions of reasons to invest in pearls but here are just a few reasons we feel every woman needs a strand or two. read more

ASK MS. ELITOU: How does a teen wear pearls?

Dear Ms. Elitou:

I am 16 years old, and I received pearls for a Christmas gift from my boyfriend. What in the world do I wear with pearls?

-16 year old Pearl Girl

At 16 years old, there are many things that you can wear with pearls, and depending on the length of the strand, plenty of ways to wear them. Perish the thought that pearls are just for your mom and your grandma. Pearls are for every girl that loves to be stylish and girly.

Here are a few looks with pearls that are perfect for a stylish teen: read more


This Fashionista was chosen as our “Fashionista of the Day in Pearls” because she shows that there is nothing wrong with mixing up style and having fun with pearls and ruffles.

Bebe Zeva, blogger of her own fashion blog, Fated to be Hated, shows off her style in a cute combination of a layered baby blue pearl sweater, beige ruffled mini skirt with matching socks, oversized bowler hat, beige handbag, and tan wedge ankle boots.   We really love the way the drastic look comes together and those supersized eyelashes…priceless. We love her confidence! read more

DIY Pearls: Braided Pearl Necklace by @looktv

We love this video on how to make a braided pearl necklace. This is a unique and fun way to wear your pearls. We think that Look DIY, has a good thing going with this video and we look forward to other video ideas that they have to offer.

So if you would like to channel Coco Chanel a la Rihanna, here is your chance to be creative and couture.

Here is what you will need:
• 3 small pearl strands
• 2 pink medium pearl strands
• 2 ft of large gold chain
• Pliers
• Scissors
• and E-6000 glue

This is one of the most stylish DIY’s that we have seen thus far. What do you think? read more