ASK MS. ELITOU: How can I add pearls to my “Raver Cool” style?

 “Hey Ms. Elitou! I have what you call a ‘Raver Cool’ party style. I’m a twenty-year old, college student who studies hard so when I have time off I truly enjoy a party! When I go out to a party I have a really fun style.  I love to wear neon colored clothing and accessories, crop tops, fun wedges and fitted distressed jeans for the most part.  I would really like to switch up my common neon accessories and I was hoping you could suggest a pearl style for me. Thanks!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -Sara C. read more

ASK MS. ELITOU: Are Pearls Good for Your Everyday Woman?

 “Hey Ms. Elitou! I have been looking at the Pearls Only jewelry and I wanted to know do you think that pearls are for the everyday woman? Can the average woman who has the hustle and bustle of work, constant outings, all while maintaining the responsibilities of raising children get a great amount of use from pearl jewelry? I am a mother of two and I find that I have little time to switch up my jewelry, I need them to go with everything and I need to be able to move fast.  I would love to invest in diamonds but I am too worried about the cost and the possibility of losing an earring due to my fast moving lifestyle. Do you think pearls would be a better fit for me? Thanks in advance!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -Catherine B. read more

ASK MS. ELITOU: How can I incorporate pearls into my festival outfit?

“Hi Ms. Elitou!

I am twenty-two years old and I am extremely excited for all the upcoming festivals this summer, so to the point that I am planning my style. I am really into the crop top style and I have fell in love with this tie dyed top so I am hoping that you can help me create a look that will not only include the above mentioned, but also trendy styles that are “in” today! I must also mention I am a huge fan of pearls but I have no idea how to make it all work without being a fashion faux pas. Do you have any style advice?” read more

ASK MS. ELITOU: How does a teen wear pearls?

Dear Ms. Elitou:

I am 16 years old, and I received pearls for a Christmas gift from my boyfriend. What in the world do I wear with pearls?

-16 year old Pearl Girl

At 16 years old, there are many things that you can wear with pearls, and depending on the length of the strand, plenty of ways to wear them. Perish the thought that pearls are just for your mom and your grandma. Pearls are for every girl that loves to be stylish and girly.

Here are a few looks with pearls that are perfect for a stylish teen: read more

ASK MS. ELITOU: How do you wear pearls with a casual outfit?

Pearls are commonly known to compliment more upscale evening pieces or professional clothing like dress suits. They are not commonly associated with casual wear, so I completely understand you inquiry. Pearls can be styled with causal looks like the look above featuring a gray and white striped sweater, dark blue distressed jeans, pink statement cat-eye glasses, a pair of simple white wedge sneaker boots, flower earrings, and a perfect combination of layered rhinestone and pearl bracelets.

This look really works because the pearls are just an accent piece rather than the full focus of the look. The combination of the pearls and rhinestones layered as a bracelet creates an awesome appearance that speaks class and sophistication with a little fun and daringness.  They truly complement each other.

To keep your look flawlessly casual be sure not to overdo the pearls (i.e. pearl necklace with pearl bracelets, ring and earrings together) because this will instantly make you look overdone and overdressed. read more