Have you noticed that your string of pearls doesn’t seem to look as amazing as it once did? Is it starting to look a little worn, stretched or dirty? If so then now may be the time to arrange to get your string of pearls restrung!
There isn’t anything as sad as a string of pearls that require some attention. What would be even worse is should the string snap you could end up losing some or all of your precious pearls.
When To Get A Pearl Necklace Or Bracelet Restrung?
If you have had your necklace for quite some time, you may have actually forgotten how it looked when you first wore it. However, there are a few telltale signs that will clearly tell you that restringing a pearl necklace is now required. But you need to look closely at yours to see them.
Here are a few signs to look for that will tell you that restringing pearls need to be done sooner rather than later.
1. Dirty Knots
You may not know this that the string from which your pearls have been strung is made from silk. Between each pearl is a knot and this helps to keep them from moving around over time they will become dirty.
This natural material actually absorbs moisture, grime, and oils from your body. In turn, over time this can actually wear down and so weaken the strength of the silk cord. As a result, the cord is more likely to break.
2. Fuzzy Knots
If you like to wear your pearl necklace often then over time the knots between each gemstone may become a little fuzzy or furry. This is because of the pearls rubbing against the knots, which in turn causes them to begin to shred, and they look more like wool. If you aren’t aware of this then eventually the silk thread will break.
3. Pearls Have Become Blackened
If the pearls you wear be in regular contact with gold beads then over time they may start to take on a black appearance. If the pearls in your necklace or bracelet have begun to turn black now is the time to arrange for the restringing of the pearls. Whilst they carry the restringing out ask for them to also clean the pearls for you.
When this work is being carried out by a restringing service you may want to consider asking them to remove any gold beads between the pearls that are being used as spacers. Either ask them to just place knots between each pearl or ask them to use a different kind of bead as the spacer. If you can afford to ask them to replace the gold beads with ones made from jade or onyx.
The reason that your pearls have become blackened is that the holes in the gold beads are much larger than those in the pearls. This leads to the gold beads slipping between the knots and makes them come into contact with the pearls. The touching of the gold against the pearls then causes them to turn black over time. This is as a result of the oxidation of the gold, which one cannot see with the naked eye. The pearls turn black because some of the oxidation has actually rubbed on to them off the gold.
4. Your Necklace Seems To Look Longer
Whenever a pearl necklace or bracelet becomes longer it is a clear sign that the silk thread on which they have strung the pearls has stretched. As the thread stretches so it becomes weaker and if not dealt with as soon as you notice it the results could be quite catastrophic.
You could be out one evening and the thread then snaps and rather than just losing one or two pearls you lose the whole lot.
5. Knots Seem To Have Disappeared
As the thread on which they have strung your pearls starts to stretch so the knots holding each pearl in place will begin to shrink. This will then lead to them actually being pulled inside the holes that have been drilled through the pearls.
If there isn’t a knot between each pearl, this can lead to them then rubbing against each other. Over time this, of course, can then lead to damage to the surface of the pearls. Should any dirt, oil or other chemicals come into contact with the surface of the pearls, this will then cause even more damage to them.
6. Pearls Are Looking Discoloured
It is important to remember that pearls are porous and will absorb pretty much anything that they come into contact with. They don’t just absorb sweat from your body, but also any makeup, lotions or perfumes you choose to wear as well.
If you do not care for your pearls properly then of course over time this will affect their shine and luster. Because of this, they start to have a dirty, dull appearance to them. Should you not clean them properly or arrange to have restringing of pearls carried out then they can become discoloured permanently.
7. Pearls Have Become Chipped, Scratched Or Broken
Pearls aren’t only porous, but actually soft, by nature. Even if you care for yours properly over time there is a chance that they can become chipped, scratched or broken. If you notice any such issues with yours then this would be a great time to arrange restringing pearls, so that they can replace any ones that are damaged.
A good restringing pearls service will ensure that the pearls used to replace any that are damaged match the ones in your necklace or bracelet. You will get back your piece of pearl jewelry that looks like new and something you will love wearing once more.
8. Clasp Isn’t Suitable
Have you noticed that the clasp on your necklace or bracelet has become a little more difficult to open or close, or has it broken completely? Then this is the perfect time to arrange to replace it when you arrange for a pearl restringing service to replace the thread that holds your pearls together.
You may want to consider replacing it with a more suitable clasp that you are able to handle more easily. You may even want to consider replacing the clasp with something a little different that adds another touch of beauty and elegance to your jewelry.
9. The Gaps Between Pearls Has Become Uneven
Over time the silk thread used to create your beautiful pearl necklace will start to stretch. Even the strongest thread is prone to such and will of course in the future break.
As the thread in your pearl necklace begins to stretch so gaps between each pearl will appear. As well as making your necklace look back, it is a clear sign that sometime in the near future the thread is likely to break.
So How Much Will Restringing Pearls Cost?
The cost of getting the process of restringing pearls carried out can vary. Most jewelers tend to charge a price based on the length of the necklace or bracelet. They tend to have a set price per each inch of the piece of jewelry that needs to be restrung. Prices can vary, some may charge as little as $3 per inch, whilst other jewelers may charge considerably more.
Along with this charge when it comes to restringing pearls the jeweler will also charge you for the replacement of the silk thread and any other items needed, such as beads. So, for example, an 8-inch bracelet could cost anything from $24 through to say $50 dependent on the work required.
Also when this work is being carried out the size of the pearls being restrung will also affect how much the work costs. For example, if the pearls are small in size, then it will take a little longer. You may find that the jeweler then quotes another price for carrying out this work. They may actually charge a price of say $0.76 per knot that is needed.
But of course, by making sure that you take proper care of your pearl jewelry, will help to ensure that you don’t get faced with having to spend a great deal on restringing yours. It is important that you inspect your pearl necklace, bracelet or other pieces of jewelry containing any pearls in the design regularly. This will then help to ensure that you have something that you can treasure for years to come.
Should your pearl necklace or bracelet need restringing in the future, here at PearlsOnly.com, we have a great selection of loose pearls to select from. So finding ones that will match your necklace or bracelet should any become lost or damaged shouldn’t prove at all difficult. So why not take the time to explore what we have to offer, not just now but also in the future.