PEARL FASHION: 5 Reasons Why Every Women Needs Pearls

A Fashionista must constantly update her wardrobe and accessories in order to keep up with the ever changing fashion trends and styles. “Big bangles are in; costume jewelry is out;” but there is one thing that never changes in your collection and that is your pearls. Beautiful strands of pearls are a staple in a fashionistas jewelry box and they are important accessories that never go out of style.

There are millions of reasons to invest in pearls but here are just a few reasons we feel every woman needs a strand or two.


Pearls are sophisticated. Pearls can make a woman look solid and refined. A business woman is taken more seriously when she is wearing pearls in comparison to extravagant costume jewelry. A strand or a double strand is perfect to wear to a business meeting, an interview or another professional affair.


Pearls are versatile. Pearls are simple in design which makes them easy to transfer from day to night or dressed up to dressed casual. This allows the pearls to be a very great addition to your collection because there is never a time you won’t be able to wear them.


Pearls come in different colors, shapes, and styles. Every woman loves the ability to have her own style and with pearls you can do just that. Pearls come in different colors, shapes, and styles. Consider wearing pearls that come from South Sea, the Tahitian Islands or Japan. These pearls are simply amazing!


Pearls can be sensuous. Men find pearls very appealing and love to see a woman adorn them on her neck. Wearing pearls on a date raises your chances of seeing him again.


Pearls can be an heirloom. Pearls can be passed down from generation to generation with no worry of them losing their appeal. Grandma’s pearls are always cherished items and passing them to your children or your grandchildren can be great for family tradition.

What do you think of pearls? Will you be adding them to your collection?

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