How To Choose Pearl Jewelry For Your Wife

You would be hard pressed to find any woman who wouldn’t love to be wearing some beautiful pearl jewelry.  If you are thinking about surprising your wife with such a beautiful gift there are certain things you need to be aware of first.  So read this post to find out how to choose the best pearl jewelry for your wife!

When it comes to selecting the right kind of pearl jewelry for her this isn’t going to prove easy.  Such jewelry is very versatile, yet each piece is very unique.  Even though these gems are very simple looking you will find you have a wide array of different kinds to choose from.

Pearls are delicate, yet can also really make a big statement, as well as being very discreet and glamorous looking.   You can choose between a necklace made up of several strands of pearls or a pair of simple stud earrings.  But there is one thing for sure that when you choose any kind of pearl jewelry set you will have brought your wife one of the most beautiful gifts that money can buy.

Here are some of the most important things that you will need to consider when you are shopping for any kind of pearl jewelry for your wife.

1.  Pearls Come In Many Different Types

If you are going to be spending money on pearl jewelry for your wife,  then pick a pearl gift set made from cultured pearls. These are naturally formed gems grown on specialist farms today.   They come in a wide variety of different shapes, sizes, and colours and are available in a number of different varieties.  The main ones to be looking out for are as follows:

Akoya Pearls

These come from Japan and are generally small or medium in size.   Most often these types of pearls are white or cream in colour with silver, cream or rose coloured overtones.

jewelry for wife

Tahitian Pearls

Many refer to these as “black pearls”, yet very rarely are they actually pure black in colour.   These tend to be either medium or large sized pearls and come in a wide variety of different colours namely dove grey, silver, a very dark charcoal grey colour as well as chocolate.  They also come with certain overtones ranging from silver/steel to aubergine, cherry, sky blue, chocolate, pistachio, blue-green and even peacock.

South Sea Pearls

These aren’t only the largest of all pearls you can buy today but also the most valuable and rarest types of pearls available.  Although referred to as White South Sea pearls these types tend to be silver in colour but some are also rose coloured.  But it is the Golden South Sea pearls that are the ones that truly stand out and these are the most expensive of all.  They come with overtones of silver, rose, green/bronze, champagne, and neutral gold.

Freshwater Pearls

These types of pearls come from China and are available in a wide array of different colours and overtones.  The colours available vary from white or pink to lavender.  These are one of the most beautiful varieties of pearl jewelry looks you can find today and are also among the least expensive to buy.

jewelry for your wife

Once you’ve determined what kind of pearl jewelry it is you want to present to your wife there are certain other things you now need to consider.

2.  Choose Pearl Jewelry That Matches Her Skin Tone

It doesn’t matter whether you are going to be buying her a 3 piece pearl jewelry set or just a pair of earrings or necklace here’s what you need to be looking for.

Fair Skin Tone

If your wife has a fair skin tone you need to go for lighter coloured pearls such as white, peach, cream, pink, ivory or chocolate coloured ones.  Their soft creamy colours will help to provide illumination to her skin in a more natural way.

Olive Skin Tone

For your wife with such skin tones choose white pearls that come with a silver overtone or if she loves to wear jewelry that makes a statement then select pearl jewelry made up of pink pearls.

Dark Skin Tone

For women with a darker complexion then go for more golden colour pearls that come with cream, rose, peach or ivory overtones, as these will contrast well against her skin.

Of course, if you aren’t sure just what colour skin tones your wife has then you could play it safe by buying her some beautiful black Tahitian pearls.  These look wonderful with any skin tone, eye colour or hair colour.  Choose a beautiful black 18k pearl jewelry set for her.

jewelry for your wife

3.  Not All Pearls Are Perfectly Round

Perfectly round pearls are very rare.  The types of pearls that are closest to be considered as round are the Akoya variety.  But like other pearls, these also come in a wide array of different shapes.   The main pearl shapes you are able to choose from used in making say 14k pearl jewelry items are as follows:

Round or Nearly Round Shaped – These are available from all the kinds of pearls we mentioned earlier.

Ovoid Shaped – again all types of pearls are available in this shape today.

Button Shaped – You will find that most button shaped ones are Freshwater pearls.

Baroque Shaped – These are very irregular in shape and are mostly to be found in Freshwater, Tahitian, and South Sea pearls.

Be aware that all pearls won’t be the same perfect size or shape.  So if you are thinking about buying your wife a necklace such as those you have seen that are considered to be pearl jewelry trends 2019 take care.  Look closely to make sure that there isn’t any obvious difference in the shape and size of each pearl that makes up the complete strand.  Ideally, choose a necklace where the pearls look almost identical.

4.  Pay Close Attention To Settings And Metals

Most pearl jewelry sets will also be made up of precious metals and refined threads.  But there are a few things you need to know about these.

jewelry for your wife

The pearls used should match the metal in terms of its basic colour.  White and black pearls work best with white gold or silver, whereas pink, peach or lavender coloured pearls look wonderful when set into yellow gold.  As for golden South Sea pearls, these look stunning when used beside yellow gold.

Make sure that you check the authenticity of the metal used to create any piece of pearl jewelry.  It should come with the relevant markings that clearly certify the metal as being genuine silver, gold or platinum.

5.  Expensive Pearls Means Better Pearl Jewelry Quality

You already know that expensive things are the best, and this is exactly the same when it comes to choosing any kind of pearl jewelry for your wife.   Pearls that come with a higher grading are of a much better quality.

It is therefore important that before you invest any money in such a gift you look closely at its description.  Pearls will be given a grade from “A” to “AAAA”, but don’t be fooled into thinking that the ones with a “A” grading are the better quality ones, this simply isn’t the case.  Any pearls that come with an “AAAA” grade are in fact the best quality pearls you can now buy.  They tend to be much larger and rarer and come with very outstanding nacre and luster to them.

When it comes to you choosing to buy any kind of pearl jewelry for your wife think of it as an investment.  You are going to be buying her pearl jewelry set that isn’t only unique and valuable but will stand the test of time.  If you choose the right kind of pearls for your wife now you know that they will look just as beautiful in the years to come.

jewelry for your wife

Once you present such a gift to your wife she will clearly see just how much she means to you and how much you value your life together.   But please do not forget the points we’ve mentioned above to ensure that you buy the perfect piece of pearl jewelry for her.

If you are still unsure about what type of pearl jewelry to buy your wife, then you may want to consider asking a close friend of your wife’s or a family member to help you select the perfect piece for her.  But again don’t forget to keep in mind the points mentioned above to ensure that you buy her the perfect item that she will love wearing time and time again.

Here at, we have an amazing selection of different kinds of pearl jewelry to choose from, so being able to find something that really suits your wife’s tastes and personality shouldn’t prove difficult.   You will be able to choose something that won’t only look amazing when worn but will stand the test of time and will easily fit within your own particular budget range.   So take your time to peruse our various different collections so you pick a pearl jewelry piece that she will love and treasure for many years to come.

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