restringing a pearl necklace

Restringing Pearls – Why And When Should You Arrange This?

Have you noticed that your string of pearls doesn’t seem to look as amazing as it once did?  Is it starting to look a little worn, stretched or dirty?  If so then now may be the time to arrange to get your string of pearls restrung!

There isn’t anything as sad as a string of pearls that require some attention.  What would be even worse is should the string snap you could end up losing some or all of your precious pearls.

hanadama pearls earrings

How To Wear Hanadama Pearls Whenever You Like

Like a stunning pair of Christian Louboutin shoes, we consider Hanadama pearls to be among the finest of all these gems that a woman can own.

This range of pearls was given their name by one Kokichi Mikimoto (Father of Cultured Pearls).  This is a term that has been used by him that helps better to describe them as being the finest of all the pearls you could want to buy and own.

coordinate a pearl bracelet

How To Coordinate A Pearl Bracelet With Your Wardrobe

At same stage, we all find it hard to choose which of your pearl jewelry to wear with a particular outfit.  Especially, as you may find that some colours are more difficult to coordinate with outfits than others.

The right kind of pearl jewelry including a pearl bracelet with help to bring an outfit together.  Not only will it make you look great but also feel great as well.  But if you select the wrong kind of pearl bracelet to go with your outfit it can make things look a little clumsy, unpolished and even unprofessional. read more

what does pearls say about you

What Does Wearing Pearls Say About You?

We never get a second chance when it comes to making the right kind of impression the first time.  How we dress and how we speak all help to define who we are.  The same also goes for the kind of jewelry that we choose to wear. What does wearing pearls say about us? Everything we do, say and how we dress combine to make a statement about who we are.

new pearl earrings

Top 7 New Pearl Earrings Designs & How To Wear Them

There are certain items of jewelry that all women should own.  Along with a pearl necklace, all women should have at least one pair of beautiful pearl earrings in their collection.

Any set of these earrings whether studs or dangle types will add another touch of femininity to any outfit that you choose to wear them with.   But with so many different styles of earrings to choose from today, how do you go about deciding what ones you should be wearing.

pearl engagement ring

Engagement Ring Versus Wedding Ring – What Is The Difference?

What is the most important aspect of any marriage proposal?  It is the engagement ring.  Traditionally engagement rings comprise a beautiful gem that has been set into a band of gold or silver.  Sometimes it may often get referred to by mistake as the wedding ring.  In fact, these two terms have become interchangeable in modern day language.

simple strand of pealrs

How To Wear Pearl Necklaces At Work

When you wear the right kind of pearl jewelry to work it can help to give you a more sophisticated, yet fashionable look. But don’t think for one minute that wearing a pearl necklace is conservative or old-fashioned. There are many different designs available that will make you feel happier and will help you look forward to the day ahead. Read this post and find our recommendations when it comes to wearing pearls at the office!

pearl graduation gift idea

Choosing The Perfect Pearl Graduation Gifts For Your Daughter

There are many milestones that your daughter will be faced with over the coming years.  The first one will be her graduation from high school.   Just like with other important events in her life such as turning 18 or 21 we like to mark these with a gift.   When it comes to your daughter graduating why not present her with something beautiful that will last for years to come. A piece of wonderful pearl jewelry as a memorable graduation gift will definitely make a statement.