About PearlsOnly CH Team

Ms. Elitou is the fashion and beauty curator for Pearls Only providing trend reports and fashion predictions from all over the world.
white flat pearls

Why Are Pearls Flat On One Side?

As you are probably aware that pearls do come in a wide variety of different sizes and shapes.  But why is that some pearls are flat on one side only?  Also often referred to as coin or button pearls these are considered quite special in the pearl industry.

You will notice that unlike round pearls these ones are very unique, yet when expertly set in to any piece of jewelry they will look amazing.   Plus as these types of pearls are so abundant they are among the most affordable that you can buy today. read more

expensive pearls

What Is The Most Expensive Pearl Colour?

If you haven’t owned any pearl jewelry before, then you may find yourself somewhat confused by how prices can vary so much.  For example why is it that say a pendant can cost no more than $50, yet another can be as much as $5,000.  Well it really all comes down to the kind of pearls that are used in creating such pieces of jewelry.

Another factor also that needs to be taken into consideration is the actual colour of the pearls used.  But you may think well why is it that a piece of jewelry containing say South Sea or Tahitian pearls cost more than say Akoya pearls? read more

edison pearls

Why Are They Called Edison Pearls?

The Company that produces Edison pearls closely guards the techniques that they use to create these beautiful jewels.  This includes not allowing people to know on which of their farms that each of the pearls they produced is grown.

However one thing that we do know is that they carefully select which molluscs will be used in the process.  This selection is done through genetic research that they have carried out.

Once they have chosen the molluscs to use in the making of cultured Edison pearls they are then implanted with a tiny bead.  This is unusual, as normally freshwater molluscs will have a small piece of mussel tissue implanted into them to create pearls. read more

white edison pearl ring

How Are Edison Pearls Made?

The Company that produces Edison pearls closely guards the techniques that they use to create these beautiful jewels.  This includes not allowing people to know on which of their farms that each of the pearls they produced is grown.

However one thing that we do know is that they carefully select which molluscs will be used in the process.  This selection is done through genetic research that they have carried out.

Once they have chosen the molluscs to use in the making of cultured Edison pearls they are then implanted with a tiny bead.  This is unusual, as normally freshwater molluscs will have a small piece of mussel tissue implanted into them to create pearls. read more

pearls gift

Suitable Pearl Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Sometimes finding the perfect gift to present to the woman you love on Valentine’s Day can prove difficult.  Yes you could buy her a lovely bunch of red roses, but why not present her with something that she can cherish and love for years to come.

Below are 2 easy and ideal ideas of wonderful Valentine’s Day gifts you can give to the woman you love that she will truly see how much you love her.

  1. Pearl Pendant

This Valentine’s Day why not give your wife or girlfriend a lovely heart shaped pendant on a delicate silver chain.  In the very centre of this simple piece of jewelry will nestle a lovely white, cream or pink pearl.   You could even opt for one that includes small diamonds inserted into the heart shape surrounding the pearl. read more

shoes and pearls

Giving The Woman You Love The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift

Valentine’s Day is the day when you really can express your innermost feelings for that special person in your life.  It is important that you tailor the gift to show them just how special they are to you.

Here is a couple of ideas to help you with giving them the perfect Valentine’s Day gift that will clearly show just how much they mean to you.

  1. Make It Unique

Think about giving them something that they will love because it is tailored to something that they love to do.  For example, have you noticed that your wife or girlfriend is pining after a certain handbag, purse or a stunning pair of shoes.  Well why not buy it for them. read more

A Brief History Of Christmas Ornaments

One aspect of Christmas that the whole family can get involved with is the decorating of the tree.  Every year family’s around the world get together and start placing those beloved Christmas ornaments on their trees.  They are helping to create memories that will then pass on from one generation to the next.

But how is it that Christmas ornaments have become to play such a large role in this festive period?

affordable pearls

How To Buy Affordable Pearl Gifts This Christmas

With Christmas fast approaching, you may wonder what to buy your wife, girlfriend, mother or daughter as a gift.  Well like so many others buying them a piece of jewelry that includes pearls in the design is a great idea.   Even affordable pearl gifts make amazing presents and are something that the recipient can cherish for many years to come.

So what kind of inexpensive pearl gifts could you consider giving to someone you care deeply for this coming Christmas?   Below we offer up some ideas for pearl gifts you could present to them. read more

christmas pearl decorations

How To Make Your Own Pearl Christmas Decorations

Christmas is fast approaching and of course most of us aren’t really prepared for it as yet. You’ve probably already got a tree or will get one soon. You’ve also probably got all the ornaments to go on it. But like so many of us you will probably find some of them are broken or just looking a little old. So why not think about making your own pearl Christmas decorations this year.

As you will soon discover there are plenty of ideas online to help you come up with some beautiful Christmas decorations that you can make yourself. If you do intend to make your own decorations including those with pearls in the design, there are certain things to consider before you do. read more

pearls during winter

Glamorous Guide On How To Wear Pearls During Winter

Most women tend to associate jewelry with summer when wearing bangles and hooped earrings are the norm.  But in fact, wearing any kind of jewelry even that with pearls in the design is never more important than during the winter months.  We are going to give you some tips on how to wear pearls during winter.

Okay, you may think that wearing pearls is only for the spring, yet they will look fabulous with many of your outfits this winter.  They won’t only enhance your entire look but add a touch of drama and elegance to the outfit as well. read more